This month for Unblurred on Penn Avenue Artisan presents the work of Katie Casey.
Katie has successfully marketed her art and classes many times.
Currently she has a Kickstarter to fund her latest project, a gorgeously intricate coloring book.
Her aim is to find all the things that people complain about in art – and fix it or don’t do it.Her approach is to find the things that people are asking for – and try to incorporate them. Finally,she adds a liberal dash of her own personality and recognizable style.
Very much like writing a song that others start to sing, she finds incredible happiness in drawing books that other people can use to creatively inspire themselves.

Butterflies, Dragonflies & Toadstools will be part of a series called “For Frames Not Fridges.” Her goal is to create intricate pieces for people to color and then frame if they wish. No more spending hours coloring just to dangle it on the fridge door, or stick it in a drawer!

A successful Kickstarter will fund the initial printing of books and shipping them out into peoples’ hands.
The current vision for Butterflies, Dragonflies & Toadstools is 30 colorable images. Twenty-seven are already drawn and digitized.

One of the things that is truly unique about Butterflies, Dragonflies & Toadstools is that there will be supporting videos for tutorials to add additional pen work before you color. Do you want polka-dots on that mushroom? Want to add some vines to a border? Is that broad blank background not ideal for you? Soon a YouTube channel will be available for step-by-step instructions on how to pick up a black pen and make a coloring page even more uniquely yours.
Butterflies, Dragonflies, and Toadstools
The first in the coloring for connoisseurs series For Frames Not Fridges. This book is designed around what experienced colorists expect – crisp lines, high-quality paper, and one-sided printing. The book is spiral bound, so it opens fully flat. No more fighting to color in the crack! And the size of this thing…WOW… a full 11”x15”. You will find 30 hand-drawn pages with beautiful images. Once you have added your personal touch, they are the right size to go into a frame instead of a junk drawer.

These gorgeous prints will keep you entertained for hours.
Come down to Artisan Cafe, grab a gourmet coffee, and enter into a coloring trance to explore a magical wonderland.
Butterflies, Dragonflies and Toadstools Kickstarter